パンデミックを受けて、企業そしてサプライチェーンにおける労働環境に、ますます世界の投資家の目が向けられるようになった。英国のファストファッション下請け工場で発覚したスキャンダルは、社会的責任の軽視は、企業の長期的価値だけでなく、事態を懸念した投資家による資金引き上げなど、直接的な経済ダメージを与えることを示した。こうした傾向は、日本企業において以前より課題であった長時間労働や、閉鎖的な企業文化などについて、投資家が考慮する良い理由付けを与えたとも言える。加えて、日本政府が今年10月に発表した「ビジネスと人権についての行動計画」は、日本企業に対して直接的なアクションを求めている。多くの企業が改善に動いているものの、未申告残業、低賃金、過剰なプレッシャーや責任など、搾取の危険性は未だ遍在しているうえ、米政府が評価する日本の人身取引評価が引き下げられるなど、課題は多い。温暖化ガス排出量などを目安にした評価の様に、企業やサプライチェーンにおける搾取に対する方針やアクションなどで、日本企業も比較されることとなる。本ウェビナーでは、公正かつ好ましい環境で働く権利について日本のビジネスの競争力を検討し、投資家にとってのSの情報のマテリアリティについて考える。キークエスチョン:- 世界、特にEUで、ビジネスと人権についての政策・規制はどう発展しているのか?ビジネスへの影響は?- 労働条件などを考慮することで、投資家はどんなリスクを回避することができるのか?- 企業およびサプライチェーンの労働者の権利について、直近のリサーチは日本企業のパフォーマンスをどう評価しているのか?- ダイバーシティおよびインクルージョンといった既存の方針に、従業員の人権を組み入れていくことはできるのか?スピーカー:銭谷美幸、第一生命ホールディングス 経営企画ユニット フェロー、第一生命保険 運用企画部 フェロー、 エグゼクティブ・サステナブルファイナンス・スぺシャリスト佐藤暁子、ビジネスと人権リソースセンター日本プログラムコーディネーター
Practical ways for governments, businesses and investors to build up a resilient socially and financially sustainable economy.
In partnership with Triodos Asset Management
Tuesday 8th December 16:00 GMT
The volume of ESG assets has risen massively in the late 2010’s and the European Union is vigorously spearheading sustainable finance policy. But Covid-19 has rocked us on our heels; revealing the depth of our sustainability challenges, but exposing economic frailty. Can sustainability restructure the economy to make solutions to both feasible? If so, can the change happen at the desirable scale and speed to respond to environmental and societal crisis?
This webinar will discuss a vision of sustainable recovery and its actual building blocks.
Questions include
To what extent is the “sustainable economy” policy vision agreed?: climate mitigation, energy transition, labour protection, inequality, diversity and inclusion, de-centralisation and so on.
What are the practical roles of the financial sector in building a sustainable economy? How can we make sure they take up these roles?
Can governments, investors and corporates afford to step up for a sustainable future?
How useful are the existing initiatives such as SDGs and Paris Climate Accord to incentivise and signpost progress?
Hans Stegeman, Chief Investment Strategist, Triodos Investment Management
Thierry Philiponnat, Head of Research and Advocacy, Finance Watch
Geraldine Ang, Senior Policy Analyst, Green Finance and Investment, OECD Environment Directorate
Hugh Wheelan, Co-founder and Joint Managing Director, Responsible Investor
How evolving ESG indices and derivatives help transforming portfolios
Responsible Investor in partnership with Eurex
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the move towards sustainable investments as global
investors were already shifting away from existing benchmarks to sustainable alternatives. On
top of this are regulatory drivers such as the EU’s Action Plan on Sustainable Finance and
Green Deal. Part of this ‘new normal’ is the emergence of derivatives as a powerful tool to help
ESG integration. Derivatives on ESG benchmarks offer a way to help facilitate ESG integration
while offering a cost-efficient and liquid solution with a low tracking error close to benchmark
This webinar will explain how these new products can help to transform portfolios.
Index Methodologies: Screened Indices vs. Universal Indices
Derivatives as a tool for ESG risk management & ESG integration
Role in portfolios: liquidity, tracking error and carbon footprint
Emerging markets: volumes and client interest
Next steps: forthcoming market developments
This webinar builds on the earlier ESG in derivatives – the quest for the right methodology
recorded in April (https://bit.ly/3jTmwrr).
Christine Heyde, Equity and Index Product Design, Eurex
Guido Giese, Executive Director, Core Equity Research, MSCI
Daniel Brooksbank, Head of Strategic Content, Responsible Investor
In partnership with Greenspring Associates18th November, 11:00 ET / 16:00 GMTAs technology enables our path forward amidst the turmoil of Covid-19, venture impact investing is gaining traction with investors seeking growth and strong financial performance paired with measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact. While venture impact is a developing vertical in the venture capital asset class, it is showing early evidence of being uniquely suited to investors focused on the double bottom line.This webinar will help responsible investors understand the impact investment opportunity set among early stage private companies, what technology solutions are emerging to solve for today’s most pressing issues, and how venture is the asset class of choice for sustainability-minded investors seeking to make the greatest impact on society, the environment and portfolio returns.This webinar will focus on sustainability and ESG criteria in venture capital investing and looks to cover:How is venture capital uniquely suited to impact investing?How is the innovation economy solving for the most pressing problems of today?What is the impact opportunity set in venture capital and how does it compare to public markets?Which technologies are at the forefront of emerging ESG concerns?How do venture capital investors approach governance?What are the barriers or challenges for venture impact investing?How can venture capital investment help the world navigate and recover from the Covid-19 pandemic?Tune in to learn more about unlocking impact through venture investment and join the discussion through Q&A.Speakers:Seyonne Kang, Partner, Greenspring AssociatesJustina Lai, Chief Impact Officer and Shareholder, WetherbyModerator: Daniel Brooksbank, Head of Strategic Content, Responsible Investor
In partnership with CME GroupMore and more responsible investors are taking steps further to deepen ESG integration across their assets. As seen in what the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Finance and Green Deal aims to catalise, there is a need for further sophistication of sustainable finance products.In this webinar, CME Group will discuss the evolution of the ESG investment ecosystem, recent improvements to the S&P 500 ESG Index, and introduce the growth/performance of their capital-efficient ESG derivative solution – S&P 500 ESG futures. Through conversations with asset managers, this webinar will illustrate how ESG investing is affecting their asset allocation decisions and get their insights/outlook on the sustainable investment landscape.Speakers:Paul Woolman, Senior Director, Head of EMEA Equity and Alternative Index Products, CME GroupTBC
Responsible Investor and Robeco discuss:How can fixed income investors address climate change and contribute to social development through their credit portfolio?Speakers:Erik Keller, Senior Client Portfolio Manager Fixed Income, RobecoGuido Moret, Head of Sustainability Integration Fixed Income, RobecoModerated by:Hugh Wheelan, Managing Director & Co-Founder, Responsible Investor
- ESG、サステナビリティファンドは、どう形成され、どれだけ「グリーン」なのか?- 各種タクソノミーは現実世界で「グリーン」な投資商品を特定するのに役立っているのか?- 様々なグリーンスタンダードが存在する中、投資家はどうパリ目標に沿ったポートフォリオを組むことができるのか?このウェビナーは英語となっています。日本語字幕付きで放送されます。- How green are ESG and sustainability investment funds? How are they developed?- Are the various taxonomies working in real life to identify "greener" products?- How investors navigate through different green standards and build a portfolio to align with the Paris climate targets?This webinar will be broadcast in English with Japanese subtitles.
- 企業および金融機関のサステナビリティ・リスクの開示のフレームワークづくりについて、世界でどの様な議論がなされているのか?- 非財務情報開示の義務化、また開示項目・フォーマットの標準化の利点、そして弊害は何か?- 企業がサステナビリティレポートに取り組む過程で目指すべきところは何か?このウェビナーは日本語で放送されます。- What discussions are taking place around the world about disclosure frameworks for corporate and financial institutions?- What are the advantages and disadvantages of making non-financial reporting mandatory and standardising disclosure format?- What should companies aim for through working on sustainability reports?This webinar will be broadcast in Japanese.
基調講演:佐々木啓吾、住友化学 常務執行役員, 経団連 建設的対話促進WG座長このウェビナーは日本語で放送されます。Keynote speech by Keigo Sasaki, Managing Executive Officer, Sumitomo Chemical, Chair of the Constructive Dialogue Taskforce, KeidanrenThis webinar will be broadcast in Japanese.
- 欧州圏以外の金融アクターにとって、欧州のサステナビリティファイナンス戦略はどんな意味を持つのか?- 様々な地域で発展するグリーン・タクソノミーや開示スタンダードは、どれだけ相互補完性があるのか?- 二国間、多国間レベルでの政策討議や合意はどの様な状況にあるのか?- 世界共通のスタンダードは期待できるか?このウェビナーは英語で放送され、日本語字幕がついています。- What does Europe’s sustainability finance regulatory strategy mean for non-European financial actors?- How complementary are the various green taxonomies and reporting standards from different parts of the world?- What is the status of broad policy discussion/agreement at the bi-national and international level?- Can we expect global standards?This webinar will be broadcast in English with Japanese subtitles.