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Voting & engagement

The latest developments in sustainable finance: ISS recommends vote against Follow This climate proposal at Shell; NYC Comptroller, Schroders to back transition assessment at Suncor.
Investors ramp up engagement with companies on reduction and reuse, call for 'complete rethink of plastic value chains'.
Pressure mounts on Shell and Equinor; investors promise to continue engagement with Woodside.
NBIM, New York City Comptroller and Storebrand supported pesticide filing at Kellanova.
Banking giant pushed on social issues as Glass Lewis and major investors support worker rights resolutions; US lenders face Indigenous rights proposals.
Illustrative image of a torn up contract
The People's Pension sets out minimum expectations for managers, including signing stewardship code and resourcing, and warns of lost mandates.
French manager's head of stewardship hails Unilever’s policy engagement report, as consumer goods giant becomes first to meet investor expectations.
Indigenous rights, lobbying, grievance and redress mechanisms, and expenditure to meet nature targets among key metrics.
Headshot of Bob Mann
Former president and COO of Sustainalytics will join proxy adviser as CEO next month.
Rebellion against Woodside climate plan; LGIM living wage proposal survives ‘no action’.

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