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Thought leadership

The sustainable finance industry has gone into overdrive: it feels like it is trying to run before it has learnt to walk
Duncan Austin argues that the need for net zero reveals there have been two interpretations of sustainability all along.
Chris Walker argues the focus on producers, users and investors is intensifying
Companies shouldn’t shy away from soliciting shareholders when it comes to climate change, argues Alstria CEO Olivier Elamine
Kingsmill Bond does the maths on last week’s research
It’s the biggest regulatory shift I’ve ever covered as a journalist, and trying to understand its ramifications is vital
As North America prepares for the energy transition, investors must confront this growing risk in the oil and gas sector
Governments must ensure that financial systems align with climate targets, argue Iskander Erzini Vernoit and Kate Levick. Here’s how.
Exxon’s upcoming AGM will be one of the most significant since the advent of modern responsible investment, says Edward Mason. Shareholders cannot afford to let it pass without taking a stand.
From May 10-14, the RI United Kingdom conference points the spotlight on the £2.5trn pension fund market

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