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Thought leadership

California Climate Risk Disclosure Advisory Group delivers next ‘frontier’ recommendations to California State Governor Gavin Newsom
The eponymously named Ruggie Principles celebrated their 10th anniversary this year
Start with a ‘Business Model Canvas’. You could change old age care, and win £10k or 2x £5k runner-up prizes
Dr Katarzyna Wilk argues that sustainability disclosure and analysis needs to look to scientific practice for guidance
China now emits 27% of all greenhouse gases - more than the US, Europe, India, and Japan put together
Filippo Addarii and Flaviano Zandonai discuss the state of ESG in Italy as it prepares to co-host the global climate negotiations
We should stop arguing over how a sustainable investment should look and start thinking about how financial performance, value-alignment or impact can be realised, say Florian Heeb and Julian Kölbel
Comments come at the launch of a new report on the topic
Extensive due diligence and active management make private equity investors well placed to deliver impact
Initiative follows shareholder action in recent years to strongly engage with the sector

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