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First report from Dasgupta Review says humanity has been “mismanaging the global portfolio of assets”
The latest in our series of interviews with industry experts
CCLA still looking for investor signatories to letter to London-listed firms
With the UN Secretary General’s ‘Decade of Action’ on the SDGs now underway, this webinar will consider approaches to leverage the stability and availability of Islamic finance to achieve more. The Islamic finance sector is booming. From a market of just US$200 billion in 2003, the sector is expected to grow to over US$4 trillion in assets by 2030. Much of these funds originate in the majority Islamic countries in the Arab region, yet the investments are global in scope and impact.
As Islamic finance scales up through the next decade across regions, this unique webinar will assess opportunities to develop new ESG and SDG-aligned Islamic finance products across asset classes. Join us to hear from experts on Islamic finance and ESG investing across markets.
Stella Cox CBE, Managing Director, DDCAP
Ahmed Al Qabany, Manager, Climate Change Division, Resilience and Social Development Department, Islamic Development Bank Group
William Tohme, Senior Regional Head of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), CFA Institute
Khalid Azizuddin, Reporter, Responsible Investor
Long gone are the days when responsible investing was assumed to come at the cost of performance, says Monika Freyman
“Positive societal impact” will become “systematic ESG methodology” in marketing, promises giant as it launches SDG fund
Innovative deal structure can now hit the capital markets with benchmark blue bonds
Rathbones’ Matt Crossman on the need for sustainable stimulus
For the world’s poorest people, the
climate crisis is a water crisis that
they are living with now.
A growing body of research suggests that gender diversity helps performance. Vibeka Mair takes a closer look at how it plays out when it comes to financial products