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And how can we marry them to traditional, flawed economic accounting, asks PGGM's former Chief Economist Peter Kraneveld
Updates from Refinitiv, Truvalue Labs, Worcestershire Pension Fund and more
The Goals might not be not achieved if tax avoidance keeps moving the goalposts
PGGM’s Gert-Jan Sikking explains how one key new partnership comes from investors
Facebook, Amazon and Apple are part of a model to engage, even with controversial companies.
The latest developments for investing and biodiversity
The UN estimates the global economy will lose $23trn by 2050 through land degradation
Investors rely on the planet’s precious ecosystems to make financial returns. We must step up to protect them, says KLP’s Head of Responsible Investment
Criticism extends to the recent metrics of the WEF and the Big Four
From blue bonds and funds to keeping up with the EU taxonomy. How can investors support the aims of SDG14: Life Below Water?