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Despite engagement by 176 investors, most laggards’ human rights scores remained the same, finds World Benchmark Alliance’s Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
The latest developments in sustainable finance
The latest developments in ESG-related funds
AXA IM, Amundi and Sycomore are among a new coalition pushing listed companies on female representation.
Was the absorption of the multi-stakeholder platform on the SDGs into the Climate Pact a natural progression, or a premature shut down?
Responsible Investor and Robeco discuss:How can fixed income investors address climate change and contribute to social development through their credit portfolio?Speakers:Erik Keller, Senior Client Portfolio Manager Fixed Income, RobecoGuido Moret, Head of Sustainability Integration Fixed Income, RobecoModerated by:Hugh Wheelan, Managing Director & Co-Founder, Responsible Investor
“Impact Future Project” will focus on SDGs and ESG and impact reporting
Research partnership with Bizkaia based on Mazzucato’s theses of value creation and entrepreneurial state
The Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association replies to a recent article criticising the industry
New advisory will help UN initiative hold banking signatories to commitments