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‘Critical’ that investors ‘understand and evaluate’ role of funds and managers in the capital markets, says SEC Commissioner as plans open for consultation
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News comes alongside progress on UK and Russian taxonomies
The Committee vote could pave the way for the Taxonomy climate rules to be adopted by the European Parliament next week
The latest developments in sustainable finance
Does the EU Taxonomy have the power to trigger a green asset bubble and starve carbon-intensive industries of capital? Eurosif’s Victor van Hoorn is sceptical
Min Qi is a product manager, sustainable investment at FTSE Russell
In the Commission's proposals for changes to the EU's Solvency II regime, EIOPA has also been asked to look at capital requirements for sustainable activities
Tougher regulations for the ‘built environment’ are starting to bite and covid-weary property investors are now discovering the 'brown discount'
Other recommendations for financial sector touch on risk management and mitigation, as well as collective action
Longer scrutiny period expected by member states, while Parliament committee vote is scheduled for next week after several objections were raised

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