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Asia's largest supplier of green bonds looks to align standards with international principles as Moody's says APAC issuance strong despite market headwinds.
Separately, the FCA has warned that London-listed companies may face enforcement action for inadequate TCFD-aligned climate disclosures.
MAS has separately published new disclosure rules for retail ESG funds.
The platform recently launched three climate analytics tools for public use.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: IIGCC analysis finds banks a long way from 1.5C, CofE says ISSB standards won't meet investor needs.
Further downgrades from the highest SFDR classification are expected as the proportion of assets in ESG-designated funds crosses the 50 percent mark in Europe.
Tom Cotton claimed the investor did not respond to his 14 July letter, despite providing comment to Responsible Investor.
French insurance giant’s Patricia Plas tells RI that Axa is agnostic about where transition should be included, but stresses that it needs to be addressed.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: CalSTRS continues engagement on 'ghost guns'; Schroders and Green Century sign biodiversity pledge.
Investors in cryptocurrency do not seem to have considered the impact of regulations and climate risk, the ECB warns.