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ESAs publish Q&A on bloc’s anti-greenwashing legislation, SFDR, including a clarification around Article 9 funds.
Wednesday marked Biodiversity Day at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh.
EBA’s head of ESG risk unit tells stakeholders ‘not to be afraid’ to participate in survey, exercise ‘not about pointing fingers'.
Representatives of Federated Hermes, JPMorgan and Wells Fargo were among the listed attendees for a State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF) conference this week.
The FSB has called on central banks to work across jurisdictions to overcome data and modelling limitations.
Commission needs to carefully manage response to ESA questions on SFDR to avoid unnecessary disruption, warn Eurosif and EFAMA.
CDP, TCFD and SBTi leveraged by the Biden administration, as CSRD adopted in EU parliament.
Investors hail discussions on critical climate topics, but concerns remain over logistical challenges and turnout.
Australian treasury tells RI that it will join the International Platform on Sustainable Finance as part of 'efforts to increase engagement on climate and sustainability-related issues'.
First generation of plans will be 'really difficult' for financial institutions, experts warn.