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Spanish presidency puts forward carve-out for smaller providers, removal of 'based on costs' in compromise text to be discussed Wednesday.
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Industry body proposes abolishing entity-level PAI disclosures, bringing in proposed labelling system in draft consultation response.
Concessions on access to justice measures and transition plans also endorsed by permanent representatives from European member states.
Review of manager alignment with guiding principles finds some progress, but improvements needed on stewardship and 'unexpected' ESG fund holdings.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: ECB’s Elderson threatens daily fines for banks which fail to meet climate change supervisory expectations; NZAOA sets out expectations on AMs for climate engagement.
IFM Investors and Hesta welcome the climate-focused framework, but call for the introduction of other sustainability metrics.
Head of sustainable finance Viet-Linh Nguyen speaks with RI on the EU regulatory framework puzzle, greenwashing and 2024 priorities.
Bond buyers welcome increased transparency under new regulation but warn that take-up of the standard is unlikely to be swift or widespread.
Sources following the process say that France has been lobbying for the removal of the sector from the bloc's due diligence directive.
The bloc’s sustainable finance agenda has 'lost sight of the most important thing', says Green Bond Standard rapporteur.

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