Home Regulation


Flags of the European Union and France flying in the wind
Regulator proposes 'non-financial filters' label with SRI criteria as other national supervisors back introduction of new category system.
Very large 3D render of blended US and EU flags
American firms are up in arms at the prospect of being forced to account for their supply chains by European policymakers – and rightly so, say Daniel Crowley and Robert Eccles.
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Most investors back introducing label system but split over UK-style versus Article 8 and 9 basis as full results released.
It comes just months after banks came to an agreement on a voluntary disclosure standard.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: AMNT backs standardised vote reporting legislation; Aussie financial watchdog expects boards to engage with all sustainability claims.
Separately, PwC study finds only one in five management companies in scope issued a public PAI statement last year.
Researchers were unable to find evidence of a 'greenium' for sovereign green bonds in the region.
clock with hands nearing 12
Investment Association and UKSIF say extension may be needed to comply with 'unexpected' detail in FCA greenwashing guidance.
Technical trilogue document notes tentative agreement on small provider exemptions, but multiple providers proposal still faces opposition.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: MEPs vote to delay the adoption of ESRS sector standards; DWS faces ongoing inquiries from Frankfurt public prosecutor.

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