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Pension funds

The latest developments in sustainable finance: Australia launches transition methodology research; B2C commits £8.3bn to climate solutions.
The latest ESG movers and shakers: ICMA names executive committee of the principles members; Skea elected as IPCC chair; Zindler appointed as climate counsellor to Janet Yellen.
Asset managers, asset owners and banks among sectors that will be the subject of further deep-dive guidance by the Transition Plan Taskforce.
Pension funds tell RI they are grappling with ‘jarring discrepancies’ and are ramping up efforts to tackle the issue as the dust settles on the latest proxy season.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: Mauderer to push for inclusive transition as NGFS chair; UK businesses call on government to maintain net-zero commitment.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: France’s Say on Climate law gains support from parliamentary parties; $15trn investor coalition engages fast food companies on antibiotics.
Record numbers of climate proposals in Japan were filed in 2023. RI talks to investors behind the push about the progress seen this season, the cumbersome filing process and what's ahead.
Asset owners and stewardship arm of Federated Hermes have all flagged absence of third-party lobbying disclosures from bloc’s proposed corporate sustainability regime.
Fried Frank Kirkland hire
The latest ESG movers and shakers: Nazarova-Doyle to leave Scottish Widows; PRI nominates Kehoe as next chair.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: IFoA says actuaries need to step up to improve climate scenario models; Border to Coast launches Just Transition engagement programme.

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