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Net Zero
2020年12月、日本のサステナブルコミットメントの達成にむけて、ビジネスと資本市場を導く政策アプローチや課題を討議するべく、金融庁はサステナブルファイナンス有識者会議を設置しました。ビジネス、金融そしてアカデミックの専門家を交えた、この集中討議の成果は、6月下旬に報告書の形でまとめられる見込みです。本ウェビナーは有識者会議メンバーをお迎えし、報告書の主要な点についてお伺いします。 登壇者: 足達英一郎、日本総合研究所 理事 岸上有沙、EnCycleS コンサルタント 吉高まり、三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング 経営企画副部長、プリンシパル・サステナビリティ・ストラテジスト モデレーター:水口剛、高崎経済大学 学長
State Street Global Advisors present an action plan for fixed income investors that balances climate concerns, data and value to drastically improve climate profiles of bond portfolios while maintaining financial performance.
Staff pension scheme ‘believes that it should serve as an inspiration for the industry’ as focus turns to World Bank and IMF
The IEA’s recent decarbonisation scenario is just the latest sign that fossil fuels must go, argues Jacqueline Tao
To shift the cost of capital for big emitters, investors and regulators need to look at primary market lending activity, say Ben Caldecott and Christian Wilson. And there’s a new metric that could help
Companies are increasingly supporting the TCFD as a leading disclosure framework but reporting is merely the outcome of internal efforts to measure and manage climate-related risk. How should climate scenario analysis be implemented by companies and how can they act on the results? In this session, we will explore net-zero targets and what constitutes a strong target according to three dimensions: relevance, ambition, and confidence level.
Lindsay Patrick, Head of Strategic Initiatives and ESG, RBC Capital Markets
David Lunsford, Head of Climate Policy and Strategy at MSCI ESG Research
Pete Sheffield, Chief Sustainability Officer, Enbridge
Helen Wood-Gush, Senior ESG Consultant, Responsible Investor
Central bank explores the possibility of favouring issuers “performing strongly in pursuit of net zero” and ruling out those without credible transition plans
The tool is aimed at helping all investors achieve net zero emissions by 2050
Duncan Austin argues that the need for net zero reveals there have been two interpretations of sustainability all along.
The latest developments in sustainable finance