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The latest developments in sustainable finance: NZIA launches target-setting protocol; Federal Reserve Board releases details on pilot climate scenario analysis plans.
coal fired power station
Insure our Future report identifies 'laggards and leaders' on fossil fuel underwriting.
Pension schemes may be put off illiquid investments, harming government ambitions to push investment in green infra and renewables.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: US anti-ESG movement risks ‘balkanisation of finance’, Munich Re pledges to stop supporting upstream oil and gas projects.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: China tightens rules for green bond issuance; ACCR expands 'greenwashing' lawsuit against Santos.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: Two-thirds of fashion companies face human rights controversies; insured catastrophe losses up 22 percent.
European Union flags
French insurance giant’s Patricia Plas tells RI that Axa is agnostic about where transition should be included, but stresses that it needs to be addressed.
Move comes as German faith investor calls on asset managers to engage with sector.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: PRI turns attention to investors’ role in promoting decent work as BoE issues warning to banks and insurers on climate.
Capital requirements not the best tool for addressing climate change, says chief of UK prudential regulator, as UK central bank publishes second-round results of pioneering climate stress test.

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