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The latest developments in sustainable finance: AOA provides guidance on evaluating managers on climate lobbying; only 5% of FTSE 100 have ‘credible’ net-zero plan.
EIOPA aims to set out supervisory expectations on the management of nature-related risks and impact.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: Top 150 Indian firms to use 'reasonable assurance' on for ESG disclosures; FRC's actuarial standards to include climate change as potential risk.
Alliance calls for end to direct upstream investments in position paper but similar expectations for companies are absent.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: Texas blacklists HSBC for energy policy; investors stepped up decarbonisation in 2022 despite energy crisis, Robeco finds.
In 2025, the federal agency will incorporate expectations into supervisory assessments and risk ratings for large financial institutions.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: NBIM warns directors to address climate and social; Marsh faces complaint for role in EACOP.
Leaked documents show right-wing MEPs are pushing to exempt all investment firms from the CSDDD.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: NZIA launches target-setting protocol; Federal Reserve Board releases details on pilot climate scenario analysis plans.
Insure our Future report identifies 'laggards and leaders' on fossil fuel underwriting.