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Human & labour rights
The latest developments in sustainable finance: EU Council agrees Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism details; Temasek Trust collaborates on ‘SDG Investor Map’; BT Pension Scheme signs diversity charter.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: The latest developments in sustainable finance: Institutional investors push for climate disclosure; Pensions shun defence contractor.
This proxy season sees record breaking tallies early on, including largest ever support for E&S proposal at US fast food chain.
Representatives from MSCI, Shell, KPMG and CBRE Group attended a recent meeting on the potential new framework
Giant sovereign fund also excludes Chinese sportswear firm with potential links to Xinjiang camps
Meanwhile fellow sovereign wealth fund finds “risk-based divestments” pay off
Statement by the network comes as CA100+ asks investors to pause engagements with Russian companies
RI explores investor stances on the gambling sector: institutions appear split on the viability of engaging the industry and the need to divest
The rapporteur of the subgroup part of the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance focused on a social taxonomy rejects the idea that weaponry could be included
A total of 144 companies were selected to receive Gold and Silver sustainability awards from over 7,500 companies assessed by S&P worldwide