Mounting calls for a rollback of the regulation that investors long called for now see them welcome a simplification of the corporate sustainability rules.
The 'emissions to water' PAI indicator has been consistently flagged as a problem in investor reports – will CSRD unlock more and improved data?
The latest developments in sustainable finance: AXA IM launches PAB ETF focused on emerging market debt; impact on returns biggest barrier for AOs implementing SI strategy, survey says.
Only a handful of member states have met the 6 July transposition deadline for the EU directive.
EU watchdog also urges 'full transparency' on double materiality process.
AFM welcomes voluntary assessments ahead of CSRD deadline, sets out guidance for firms to ensure high-quality reporting.
French asset manager also ramps up sustainability assurance expectations as part of voting policy as mandatory disclosures come into force.
Spanish financial watchdog goes on a hiring spree, partly to boost CSRD and sustainable finance supervision.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: Exxon shareholders re-elect board directors; Swedish government votes to adopt CSRD bill.
Deep dives on key topics from the search for a global baseline to analysis of ESG metrics.