Home Banks


The latest ESG movers and shakers: P+ head of ESG joins SEB Denmark; GIB Asset Management chief sustainability officer Venetia Bell leaves.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: PFA divests entire holdings from Shell; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision includes climate risks definition in core principles.
Banking giant pushed on social issues as Glass Lewis and major investors support worker rights resolutions; US lenders face Indigenous rights proposals.
Rebellion against Woodside climate plan; LGIM living wage proposal survives ‘no action’.
The latest ESG movers and shakers: Barclays appoints Millat as head of sustainable finance for global markets; Zurich Insurance’s head of RI Köb steps down.
Dried lake, climate change
Kiwi supervisor reworked NGFS scenarios to add increased severity of physical and transition climate risks.
Central bank body also found emerging market banks more upbeat about the cost of transition plans than developed market peers.
Country's two largest asset managers leave Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen, following earlier departures of big members.
The latest ESG movers and shakers: Bowie-MacDonald joins Robeco; Barclays appoints co-head of energy transition group; IIGCC recruits for five positions.
Proponents reject report as ‘wholly inadequate’ ahead of vote, as bank reveals it turned down seven transactions over Indigenous risks.

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