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BlackRock's agreement with Tennessee attorney general unlikely to spark further lawsuits, experts say.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: Chinese stock exchanges issue ESG disclosure guidance; Swedish regulator names greenwash as 2025 priority.
BlackRock, AXA IM and Jupiter join ranks of Improver managers as number of labelled funds continues to grow.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: BlackRock launches SDR-labelled fund; NZAOA leaver says resource and time constraints behind exit decision.
Lawyers warn other corporates may be sued over 401K choices depending on damages, but precedent offers pro-ESG opportunities as well.
People's Pension calls on peers to be aware of shifts, as more NZAM members and other asset owners react to news.
Ahead of next year's divesting deadline, MainePERS warns that a full exit from fossil fuels would be 'undesirable'.
Members raised concerns over risks of extraterritorial pressure from US and constraints within climate financing.
Supporting networks reassure signatories as members of NZAM advisory board remain tightlipped over changes.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: More SDR updates; Bank of China joins TNFD.