Index based on SDI Asset Owner Platform data will serve as new benchmark for the fund’s €4.5bn developed markets equity portfolio
Investors fear loss of momentum and fragmentation across Europe as national policymakers are pushing head of Brussels
Emmanuel Faber will lead IFRS’ newly created body as it begins work on a global corporate sustainability standard focused on ‘enterprise value’
The Taskforce recommends countries “build on” reporting baseline and “does not support the idea that one approach has to win”
£35bn UK scheme will also work with other investors to set expectations on ‘workforce directors’
What's needed in the next 10 years to get closer to a fuller realisation of the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights?
The latest developments in sustainable finance
Investor representatives from Hermes EOS, Robeco and Storebrand Asset Management to sit on initiative’s advisory committee
Work comes as asset owners and managers express deep concern about situation in Sudan
Despite huge sums of capital "supposedly aligned" with the SDGs, progress is slowing, Fabienne Michaux tells RI