News & Analysis

Teachers’ fund taps State Street Global Advisors
empty chairs in a boardroom
The Swedish Corporate Governance Board has issued a critical commentary on the European Commission’s draft green paper on corporate governance in financial companies. “In its response, the Board is critical regarding the ideas of substantially increased and in some respects far-reaching regulation of corporate governance in the financial sector put forward in the Green Paper,” […]
RI’s regular Wednesday round-up of resposible investing news
UNPRI executive director maps out its strategy in a crucial year.
Minimum transparency akin to Global Compact Communication on Progress under consultation.
RI’s new regular Tuesday review of clean investing news
Wellcome Trust among six new asset owners to back code
“It is intrinsic to who we are as an asset manager”
Report suggests world’s largest asset pool should sign up to UN PRI
Investor also expresses concerns over proxy voting

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