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LGIM, Fidelity International and Federated Hermes talk to RI about efforts on treatment of workers, as issue looks set to feature prominently in 2023.
More ambition 'on the policy front', and voluntary pathways for progression also expected to be put forward.
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The group will ramp up its focus on the usability of the bloc’s taxonomy – and the EU sustainable finance framework – as part of its new mandate.  
Thinking Ahead Institute set to create a calculation methodology to estimate appropriate levels of resources that investors should be prepared to dedicate to have real-world impact.   
Investor network will use 'engagement and other stewardship tools' to address forest loss, land degradation, and other environmental issues.  
Research modelled cost implications for bonds issued by the six states if they enacted similar legislation to Texas, which resulted in the boycotting of major financiers.
image of Earth made of water and forests
2022 saw a flurry of investor activity when it came to nature; will 2023 see it finally become a central issue?
GAM Investment’s global head of sustainable and impact investment hails biodiversity deal but stresses conservation journey has just begun.
Can you guess which statements were made by ESG practitioners, and which were made by its detractors? Answers on a postcard.
Investors hail biodiversity agreement, which sees governments commit to halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030.

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