Paul Verney
Major ESG tender from the “Garden State”
Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility has the backing it needs to file again
€250,000 contract will also establish an inventory and classification of actors and sustainability products/services
CoreCivic had credit rating downgraded after big banks withdrew from sector
Controversial ‘green supporting factor’ for banks at heart of EU sustainability plan
Deadline for feedback on latest consultation is next week
Are meat substitutes the answer to this high emissions sector?
Australia’s largest electricity generator AGL has become the latest company in the country to commit to reviewing and ramping up disclosure of its trade association memberships, following engagement by the Australian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR), the Australian shareholder advocacy group. The company, however, will still face two ESG resolutions at its annual meeting; one […]
New strategic partnerships aim to accelerate growth
Evergy is one seven exclusions announced by investor