Home Authors Posts by Paul Verney

Paul Verney

Paul joined RI’s editorial team in 2017 and has developed a particular interest in shareholder engagement and ESG voting. His journalistic beat also includes developments in the banking sector around sustainability. Paul holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy from King’s College London.
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ISS backs miner’s plan ‘overall’, but rival Glass Lewis argues it is not science-based
‘Critical’ that investors ‘understand and evaluate’ role of funds and managers in the capital markets, says SEC Commissioner as plans open for consultation
PGGM, LGIM and Aviva Investors among founding members of Asia Transition Platform
Global survey of asset managers by investment consultant also finds lack of ‘tangible link’ between ESG analysis and investment decisions
‘Plant trees’ with earnings comment from US oil giant fails to rouse responsible investors
US fund’s Christoper Palazzolo believes volatility will be an obstacle to long-only decarbonisation efforts
California Climate Risk Disclosure Advisory Group delivers next ‘frontier’ recommendations to California State Governor Gavin Newsom
Members feel ‘authentic leaders provide evidence of their impact’, says Head of Impact at HESTA
The Society of Pension Professionals shares ‘warning signs’ in new guidance for scheme trustees
ASIC’s caution comes after it ‘intervened’ in company’s Net Zero claims in IPO documents

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