Paul Verney
ESG-linked pay and offsets are flagged in new guidance from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and Grant Thornton.
French fund also preparing €1.1bn green and social bond RFP.
RI looks at the top trends from the 2022 US proxy season.
ShareAction tells UK fund manager to 'step away' from Good Work Coalition following 'vocal' opposition to its proposal at UK supermarket giant.
UN body created to scrutinise net-zero commitments encourages regulators to feed into new call for input.
Climate proposal backed by Amundi, HSBC and Man Group garners 26% support at Japanese coal giant, as Schroders rules out support for living wage ask at Sainsbury’s.
UN-backed $10trn investor body to work on blended finance climate solutions with Gabon sovereign wealth fund.
Study estimates that US state will pay additional $303m-$532m in interest on municipal bonds issued since legislation was introduced in September.
More support for reproductive rights proposals at US retailers; proxy voting season gets underway in Japan with first-ever institutional investor climate proposals.
Bipartisan working group of former SEC commissioners and chairs back regulator’s right to introduce climate rules, as asset owners call for disclosure proposal to go further.