Khalid Azizuddin
The fund has invested in at least two gender-focused indices in the past few years.
The proposals will further extend the SFDR’s scope to include social and emissions metrics.
The taxonomy's multi-tier model is designed to respond to regional diversity.
Latest Core Carbon Principles release covers programme-level requirements on the governance of carbon credits.
Report card comes as a raft of central banks publish TCFD-aligned reports of their investment portfolios, many for the first time.
Latest effort intended to complement the ISSB’s high-profile work.
Basel committee to consult on climate extension to Pillar 3 framework by end-2023.
Other proposals include using digital technologies to address data gaps.
Plus Arab Monetary Fund issues guidelines on integrating ESG considerations within sovereign debt.
The bank reported a more than 50% reduction in the carbon intensity of equity and corporate bond holdings.