Jan Wagner
Pension savers in South Africa, Brazil and Australia most concerned about responsible investing –...
Initiative also unveils guidance for exchanges using corporate sustainability reporting.
Officials from Local Government Super, IIGCC and the EAPF are among those involved.
ESG Analytics was started in 2012 by Zurich-based private equity firm Adveq
Berlin doctors’ fund BAEV confronted by call from members
They want to stop fracking, oil subsidies and banks that finance “deadly carbon-burning.”
Mid-sized insurer excludes the likes of Apple and Mexico – and wants to expand its renewables exposure
They are: General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman and Singapore Technologies
The bond was assured as green by Oekom Research.
Last quarter, the manager of the fund voted at 7,084 AGMs and on 1,180 proposals.
MSCI Barra and McKinsey have also won consulting mandates for the two funds