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The third webinar in this series will focus on how corporate data collection metrics, inclusions and exclusions, affect the weighting of governance and social indicators used by investors in determining the market value of a company. The webinar will also review how legal change is affecting the ability of companies to engage with investors and create common ground in the understanding and use of social and governance data.
Questions for discussion may include:
How are companies “S” and “G” data determined by investors when specific metrics are not available, comparable or consistent? What role can investors play in ensuring transparency through their engagement strategies?
What are the challenges companies face generally and particularly in responding to new legislation requiring them to update their data identification and collection processes?
How can companies improve the communication of their corporate governance structures, policies, and business practices to investor audiences?
ESG applicable metrics for a number of areas e.g., for supply chain management, diversity and inclusion, ethical sourcing, plastics, and human capital, are still being developed. In the absence of comparable and clear metrics, how can companies be appropriately assessed by investors?
How effective do investors and companies feel the New Corporate Governance Code and the New Stewardship Code has been in helping to improve engagement on “S” and “G” data?
Gema Esteban Garrido, ESG Reporting and Investor Manager, Telefonica
Victor Riega, Senior Sustainability Engagement Manager
Youri Lie, Senior Manager Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY
Kimon Demetriades, ESG Analyst, Allianz Global Investors
Moderator: Helen Wood-Gush, Senior ESG Consultant, Responsible Investor
1月21日火曜日 日本時間18:00 (30分)
2019年は気候変動への危機感の高まりを示す、大規模な市民アクションが盛り上がった一方、年末のCOP25では足並みの揃わない国際情勢も印象づけられました。OECD事務次長河野正道氏をお迎えし、Responsible Investor への寄稿記事を元に、環境・サステナブルファイナンスの政策環境のこれまでと2020年に予見される発展についてお伺いします。
OECD 事務次長 河野正道氏
The latest ESG movers and shakers
The latest responsible funds news
The latest responsible investment developments
The latest ESG movers and shakers
The latest responsible funds news
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