Home Authors Posts by Fiona McNally

Fiona McNally

European Union and Luxembourg flags waving in front of the Chamber of Deputies - Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Regulator flagged issues with five Article 8 funds after on-site inspection.
Illustrative Image
BaFin, Dutch and Danish regulators recognise pressure on companies, others are still hammering out details.
The latest ESG movers and shakers: EFAMA looks for stewardship experience for sustainable finance role; Future of Sustainable Data Alliance seeks new director.
EU flags in front of European Commission building in Brussels
Following the Parliament's vote, the Council will need to take a position before the trilogue discussions take place.
Policy reforms remain 'substantially insufficient' to put economies on 1.5C pathway; asset owners cite policy as biggest barrier to transition finance.
'Disclosure' typed with an old typewriter.
First annual review since ISSB took over framework's monitoring shows North America only region where TCFD-aligned disclosures are down across most pillars.
Building a team, human resources and management
MSCI has reshuffled its top ESG team, with Moen starting a new role as Mattison takes the lead on ESG and climate.
EU flags in front of European Commission building in Brussels
Members of the European Parliament quiz Albuquerque and Dombrovskis on the future of the EU's sustainable finance framework.
Map of New Zealand.
Consultation respondents broadly supportive of proposed amendments to the local climate reporting regime, but flag need for further ISSB alignment.
European union flag and question mark icon and symbol EU community future concept 3d illustration.
Mounting calls for a rollback of the regulation that investors long called for now see them welcome a simplification of the corporate sustainability rules.

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