Home Authors Posts by Fiona McNally

Fiona McNally

The latest developments in sustainable finance: Switzerland launches stewardship code; 70% increase in climate-related greenwashing cases, RepRisk finds.
close up of Brazilian flag
Ministry of Finance opens consultation ahead of planned roadmap launch at COP28.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: No common companies in climate funds aligned with 1.5C, says Morningstar; Estonian government approves adoption of ESRS.
NBIM, CPP argue for more limited requirements on grounds of flexibility and comparability in consultation response.
The latest ESG movers and shakers: LFSI seeks members for ESG data working group; UKSIF appoints three new board members.
The annual benchmark found four of the 14 firms assessed were misaligned on criteria for climate policy engagement.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: ISS ESG launches inaugural ESG corporate rating survey; TPR issues first fine under TCFD regs.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: PRI creates tool for comparing managers' stewardship practices; Hesta sets out key active ownership priorities for ASX 300.
The latest ESG movers and shakers: Eurosif appoints Allianz GI’s Christensen as independent director; ANZ seeks head of First Nations strategy.
The FCA and PRA have proposed requiring disclosure beyond gender and ethnicity for the largest firms.

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