Dominic Webb
The latest ESG movers and shakers: IIGCC hiring policy director, DBS establishes board sustainability committee
EFRAG’s 21-member board includes representatives from industry groups, regulators and finance
The latest developments in ESG-related funds: JP Morgan AM to merge emerging markets funds, Eurazeo sells Reden Solar stake for €632m.
Passive manager excuses about ditching fossil fuels are “disingenuous”, says ShareAction.
Addition of 74 investors including State Street and Goldman Sachs AM takes AUM to £33trn
A weekly overview of ESG developments for fixed income: Trafigura signs $5.295bn sustainability-linked revolver, Germany to raise up to €15bn in 2022
The latest developments in sustainable finance: EOS to suspend Russian engagements, 50% of UK pension funds have impact investments
The latest ESG movers and shakers: SASB Chair and Vice Chair announced, hires from NN IP, Leapfrog Investments
Just 1% of companies account for 70% of emissions within the bank’s loan portfolio
The latest developments in ESG-related funds: DWS launches Paris-aligned ETFs, JP Morgan to remove Russia from ESG indexes