Claudia De Meulemeester
The latest developments in ESG-related funds: Danske Bank makes U-turn on fossil fuels in sustainable indices; new research calls out active managers for lack of climate benchmarking.
High-level expert group to provide recommendations on how to facilitate private capital for SDGs.
Country's reporting body has waded into the 'double materiality' debate with a new consultation on disclosure standard for big companies.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: Central Bank of Singapore to partner with CDP, Finance for Biodiversity Pledge adds five signatories, Colorado state pension fund exits Unilever over Israel ban.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: ECB threatens to name and shame, EU proposes gender quotas on boards, new sustainability reporting standard for coal companies.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: The latest developments in sustainable finance: Institutional investors push for climate disclosure; Pensions shun defence contractor.